Thursday, August 7, 2014

Psalm 119

Psalm 119 is an acrostic poem of twenty-two stanzas, following the letters of the Hebrew alphabet; within a stanza, each verse begins with the same Hebrew letter.

I thought it would be fun to do it in English. I dropped 4 letters to get down to 22 (The harder letters for me). Each stanza is 8 verses. It was fun and I worked almost 2 months doing it. I used an online Strong’s Concordance to check word meanings and an online Thesaurus to come up with similar words in the right letter.

Psalms 119:


1. All who walk in the law of the LORD, whose way is undefiled are blessed
2. All keeping his testimonies and who seek him with their whole heart -       those are blessed,
3. Also blessed are they who do no iniquity, but who walk in his way.
4. Authority commands your precepts to be obeyed and that diligently.
5. Adhering steadfastly to your statutes is my desire.
6. Arriving at the end I will not be put to shame as I keep my eyes fixed on    your commandments
7. Acclaiming your righteous rules, I will praise you with an upright heart.
8. Abiding in your statutes, I plead, do not utterly forsake me.


9.  By which path shall those young or under authority be clean and pure? By heeding your word.
10. Because I sought after you with resolution, I plead, keep me on track to  not stray away from your code of wisdom.
11. Burying your utterances in my inner man will keep me from missing the    right path.
12. Blessed LORD, train me up in your prescribed actions.
13. By the words of my mouth I speak  forth your spoken rules.
14. Being filled up with joy in your testimonies, which are as great as all riches.
15. By pondering your mandates I show regard to your designated way of living.
16. Blessed in your statutes I determine my path by your word.


17. Concern yourself in generosity with me, your worshipper that I may      sustain life and give heed to your word.
18. Clarify my mental and spiritual faculties, enabling me to pay attention to
the surpassing wonder of your instruction.
19. Citizenship on earth is not mine. As a temporary inhabitant don’t conceal your code of wisdom from me.
20. Consumed with longing is my soul for your rules at all times.
21. Chide the proud who stray from your commandments.
22. Cleanse me from shame and disgrace for your testimonies form me.
23. Chiefs remain vocally opposed to me, still I will meditate on our statutes.
24. Counsel I take in your testimonies. They delight me.

25. Dust of my formation impinges upon my soul. Quicken me according to     your word.
26. Declaring my course of life in your hearing, I need you to train me to walk  in your decrees.
27. Discerning the pathway of your precepts is essential. In understanding     them, I declare your wonderful works.
28. Depression pulls my soul down, let your word strengthen me.
29. Deception remove from me. Grant me favor and teach me your law.
30. Deciding to make truth the course of my life, I’ve set your ordinance  before me.
31. Do not abandon me O LORD. I cleave to your testimonies
32. Direction from your commandments determines the paths I take. I can run when you widen my understanding.

33. Educate me LORD in your course of life, learned in your statutes. I will be 
a watchman for them to the end.
34. Enable me to discern and guard your instructions. Yes, I shall give heed 
with my whole heart.
35. Enjoin me to tread in the paths of your commandments, for therein I
36. Elicit within my inner man a desire for your testimonies and not to self 
37. Empty me of my personal desires I ask. Sustain my life in your path.
38. Establish your word in the heart of your servant with reverence.
39. Egress for my dreadful shame I desire. Truly your judgments are good.
40. Entirely true is my yearning for your precepts; quicken me in your

41. Forbid not your kindness to me O LORD. Your word is my salvation.
42. For in it I have words to testify to those who taunt me. My confidence in
in your word.
43. Filch not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, for my hope is in
your rules.
44. For ever and always your directions will have charge over me.
45. Found for me is a wide place to live because I seek your precepts.
46. Face to face with kings will I speak of your testimonies and not be
47. For I find my delight in your commandments which I love.
48. Fervor for your commandments causes me to raise my hands in worship. I
will ponder your statutes.

49. Grasping your word, which you gave your servant, I remember it. For in
it I have hope.
50. Gratitude I have in my affliction because of your promised comfort that
gives me life.
51. Gross disrespect I have from insolent people, but it won’t turn me away
from your law.
52. Good memories of your established rules comfort me O LORD.
53. Great rage seethes in me because of the wicked who abandon your law.
54. Glad praise is mine where I live. I sing in your statutes.
55. Greatly I remember you name in the night O LORD, and keep your law.
56. Girded about with your mandate brings me your blessing.

57. Hedged about by your words I declared you are my inheritance O LORD.
58. Hearken to my heart’s cry for your favor and mercy, as seen in your word.
59. Habits I’ve formed I review and redirect my feet to follow your
60. Hastily and without delay I attend to your commandments.
61. Harmful are the twisted cords of wickedness that seek to ensnare me. I
must not forget your law.
62. Heads up at midnight, to give thanks for your righteous judgments.
63. Hanging out with those that fear you and keep your precepts are my
chosen companions.
64. Heaped up and overflowing is your mercy on the earth. Teach me your

65. Indeed O LORD, I have received good treatment, as your word says,
66. Impart to me good judgment and understanding for I have believed your
67. I was afflicted after I went astray, which led me to give heed to your
68. Instruct me in your statutes for you are good and you do good.
69. Insolent people have smeared me with lies, but I will wholeheartedly keep
your precepts.
70. Insulated as with rolls of fat are the unfeeling, but I delight in your law.
71. It is good for me that I have been afflicted, in order that your statues
might be cemented in my heart.
72. Instruction from you is real wealth, worth more to me than much gold or

73. Just as your hands have wrought and fashioned me, give me
understanding that I may learn your commandments.
74. Joyful with me are those that fear you because I have hoped in your word.
75. Judgments of Jehovah are righteous. I know you have faithfully
chastened me.
76. Join me together with the comfort of your loving-kindness. It is what you
have promised to your servant.
77. Joy in your law is my life, but I need your tender mercies to live.
78. Justice I don’t have from the proud. Let them be ashamed. I will immerse
myself in your precepts.
79. Jehovah, let those who reverence you and recognize your testimonies
befriend me.
80. Jurisdiction over my heart I desire of you. Make me sound in your
statutes and not ashamed.
                            (skipping K, one of 4 to be skipped)

81. Life is accomplished in your deliverance. I hope in your word.
82. Longing for your promise I cry out to you, “When will you comfort me?”
83. Like a wineskin, wrinkled and cracked by the smoke I have become, yet I
have not forgotten your statutes.
84. Let me now how long I must endure this persecution. When will you
judge them?
85. Large pitfalls the insolent have dug to trap me. They do not live according to your law.
86. Loyal and true are your commandments. I need your help as I am being
persecuted with lies.
87. Laboring to finish me off, but they could not overwhelm me because I was committed to your precepts.
88. Liven me according to your steadfast love. Let me keep your testimonies.

89. My LORD, eternally your word is established, even to the heavens.
90. Moored in the earth, your faithfulness abides unto all generations.
91. Manservant’s are we in all things. Your ordinances continue to this day.
92. Misery would have killed me without your law to delight my life.
93. Mindful of your precepts has given me life.
94. Mainstay of my life save me. I am yours for I search out your precepts.
95. Malicious men lay in wait to cause my destruction. Only your
testimonies save me.
96. Marked is the end of all perfection but your commandments is
exceedingly broad.

97.   Now and always I love your law. It is my meditation all the day.
98.   Near at hand are my enemies but you have made me wiser than they
through your commandments.
99.   None of my teachers can match my understanding because I meditate
on your testimonies.
100. Note that in keeping your precepts I understand more than the ancients.
101. No evil path will I take in order that I might keep your word.
102. Never have I departed from your judgments, because you are my teacher.
103. Nectar like honey to my mouth are your words, a delight to my taste.
104. Naught that is false do I love. It is through your precepts I find

105. Oracles of yours are a lamp to my feet, and light my path.
106. Obedience to your righteous rules I have sworn on oath to keep.
107. O LORD, I am sorely afflicted, revive me in accordance with your word!
108. Observe my spontaneous gifts of praise. O LORD, teach me your
109. Ownership of my life I hold in my hand, but I do not cease to regard
your law.
110. Out of evil intent snares are set to trap me, but I have not wandered away from your precepts.
111. O LORD, I rejoice in my heritage of your testimonies. They are forever
in my heart.
112. Outstretched is my heart to execute your statutes always, unto the end.

113. Passionately do I abhor ambivalent and skeptical thinking. It’s your
law I love!
114. Protection and defense is mine in you. My hope is in your word.
115. Push off you doers of evil. My intent is to guard and keep the
commandments of my God.
116. Preserved am I by the sustaining power of your word, so that my
expectations are not shamed.
117. Perpetually your statutes deliver me. You hold me and in you I am safe.
118. Pressed down underfoot are those who stray from your statutes by
choosing deceit and lies.
119. Putting away all the wicked of the earth like dross is your call, therefore I love your testimonies.
120. Personally I am afraid of your judgments. My flesh trembles for 
                           (skipping Q, one of 4 to be skipped)

121. Righteousness and justice I have done. Do not abandon me to my
122. Ratify your bondservant for good. Let not the arrogant defraud me.
123. Righteousness is found in your word, and your salvation is the longing of
my heart.
124. Render unto your servant life according to your mercy. Teach me your
125. Regard for your testimonies is my desire. I am your servant.
126. Righteousness is needed LORD. I face those who seek to dissolve your
127. Regarding your commandments I love them above gold, even the best
refined gold.
128. Right are all your precepts, therefore I esteem them. I hate lying and
deceitful ways.

129. Superb are your testimonies, therefore my soul keeps them.
130. Spoken words by you are the doorway which gives me illumination and
discernment to the simple.
131. Surely I long for your commandments, even panting to speak them.
132. See me and show me mercy as you have done before to those who love
your name.
133. Steady my steps in your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me.
134. Severe me from the oppression of man. Hedge me about with your
135. Statutes of your teach me. Cause your face to shine on your servant.
136. Streaming down my face are rivers of tears because of those who
do not keep your law.

137. Trustworthy are you O LORD. Your judgments are upright.
138. Testimonies commanded by you are righteous and wholly faithful.
139. Truly I am consumed by zeal for your words for my foes forget your words.
140. Thy word is utterly refined therefore your servant loves it.
141. Truly I am young and unimportant. Even so, I do not forget your precepts.
142. Trustworthy is your law and your righteousness everlasting.
143. Trouble and anguish have befallen me. Still your commandments remain
my delight.
144. The righteousness of your testimonies is perpetual. I need discernment to live.

145. Understanding I cry for with a whole heart. Hear me O LORD, I will
guard your statutes.
146. Unchain me is my cry and I will keep your testimonies.
147. Ushering in the dawning of the morning with my tears, I terry in your word.
148. Uttering aloud your word is how I meet the night.
149. Understand my cry according to your loving-kindness O LORD. Revive me in line with your judgments.
150. Undertakers of mischief approach me with evil intent. They are far from
your law.
151. Utterly true are all your commandments O LORD. Draw near my kinsman!
152. Understood from old is that your testimonies have been established for

153. View my depression and loose me from it, for I do not ignore your law.
154. Vouch for my suit. Redeem me. Revive me according to your word.
155. Victory is remote from the ungodly for they do not seek your statutes.
156. Vitalize me according to your judgment O LORD, for abundant are your
tender mercies.
157. Villains and bullies seek my downfall, but I do not turn aside from your
158. Viewing the pillagers I was grieved because they do not regard your word.
159. View my love for your precepts! Your steadfast love is my life.
160. Verity from the beginning marks your word and your just verdicts

161. Without cause princes persecute me but my inner man stands in awe of
your word.
162. WOW! Finding your word is like finding great plunder.
163. Wretched and abhorrent is false hood. It is your law I love.
164. Worthy are your judgments. Seven times a day I set apart to praise them.
165. Wonderful peace have all who love your law. Nothing shall be a stumbling block to them.
166. Waiting for your salvation O LORD, is my hope. I have performed your
167. Wholly do I love your testimonies. My soul has embraced them.
168. Watching over your precepts and testimonies is my choice. All I do is open to you.
                             (skipping X, one of 4 to be skipped)

169. Yea I cry to you O LORD. Give me understanding according to your word.
170. Yield to my entreaty. Deliver me in keeping with your word.
171. Yet will I praise you when you have taught me your statutes.
172. Your word will my tongue sing, for all your commandments are righteous.
173. Yea, let your hand help me because I have selected your precepts.
174. Yearning for your salvation O LORD, I have chosen your precepts.
175. Yield life to my soul and it shall praise you. Let your judgments help me.
176. You O LORD seek me. I have strayed like a lost sheep but I have not
forgotten your commandments.
                              (skipping Z, one of 4 to be skipped)